
Jaclyn & BJ / The Proposal

The day after my now soon to be brother in law arrived from Australia to here to be with his lady love [my sister], Jon and I found ourselves frantically sneaking around to collect the items BJ requested for his proposal the very next day.

I knew my sister didn't see it coming, as I so cunningly set up emotional cry fests and well thought through situations that proved my acting something superb.  She had no idea.

Come Saturday, Jon and I "headed out for a photo shoot".  Around the time assigned, I called Jacky frantically asking her to stop over to where my shoot was because I forgot an important lens.  She was so frustrated and stressed.  I interrupted and hurried her "getting ready for date day" process as she had to rush over, bring BJ along, to The 66ers Stadium in San Bernardino where my supposed shoot was.

There arrival and his surprised proposal went a little something like this...

A huge THANK YOU to The 66ers Stadium for allowing access to their facilities as well as surprising the couple with a custom Congrats message!


  1. HA!!! LOVE IT!!!! I LOVE how she is checking out her ring in a few of those shots!!! Amazing how you got this for her.....how amazing!!! Congrats to the HAPPY couple!!!

  2. OH MY HECK this is so freaking cute. I love it, you did a great job.


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